Moisture sensors for power transformers
Moisture sensors are an essential accessory of any power transformer, as they help to prevent costly damage from corrosion and insulation failure.
Calculation of DGA trends
This article tries to give a first overview on DGA trend calculation for both offline- and online-measurements.
7 things that DGA interpretation methods could do better
Interpreting DGA results isn't easy. A number of methods have sprung up over the years, promising to help.
FAQ Duval
Frequently asked questions (and their answers) related to the Duval family of DGA interpretation methods
The ultimate guide to DGA Interpretation
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is one of the most important ways to ensure transformer health. Unfortunately, interpreting DGA results isn't easy.
Here is what 3,500€ will buy you
Having online monitoring isn't worth it if the expected benefits don't exceed the expected costs. While estimating the costs is relatively straightforward, the same cannot be said for the benefits.
Why measuring only 3 gases is enough and saves you money
In this article the idea behind a cheaper, streamlined sensor like ECOSENSE® ACTIVE PART is explained. Hopefully, after reading it, you can choose for yourself if the premium of a multi-gas sensor is worth it to you.
The Duval triangle explained in 3 minutes
There are lots of tutorials available, but most of them are longer than necessary. We want to do better. So here is our quick and dirty guide to the Duval triangle. You can read it in three minutes, we promise!